{ Hello! }

My name is Gavin. I am 11 months old. I was born with a genetic disorder called Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency that caused my liver to go into failure. I was misdiagnosed for 3 months and underwent emergency surgery before they found out what was wrong. I am on the Organ Donation List and am waiting for my "gift of life" so I can have a liver transplant. You can read about my story by clicking {here}. Thank you for visiting my online journal!

*It is our deepest sorrow to inform you that Gavin passed away while waiting to receive a liver transplant. He was only 14 days away from his 1st birthday. Please, if you haven't already, sign up to be a registered organ donor today and talk to your loved ones about your wishes: http://www.donatelife.net/. Thank you all so much for your love and support during this last year.

{ This is my family }

{ This is my family }

{ A Mother's Plea }

If you only read one thing on this website, let it be {this}.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

1 month old!

Gavin is 1 month old! It feels like he was born just yesterday...and yet it also feels like its been a million years (so. very. tired.)! What a strange paradox!! My cousin does these monthly journaling things for her cute little boy and I think its a great way to keep track of all the changes. I've forgotten so much, so its nice to read her timeline and think ok, only a few more weeks and maybe Gavin will start sleeping through the night, too! Ha. ha. ha. :P

Weight: 6 lbs 2 oz
(5th percentile)

Height: 20 in
(10th percentile)

Head: 34 cm
(5th percentile)

Eating Habits:
He nurses pretty much every 2 hours, and it takes him about an hour to eat. He's had a few bottles here and there, so we're 95% breastmilk only, haha! Sometimes he'll nurse on both sides, have a 2oz bottle, then nurse again...its times like that when I want to cry. :P But every once in awhile the heavens open and he'll wait 3-4 hours between two feedings. :)

Sleep Habits:
His only sleep habit is that its erratic and ever changing. Sometimes he'll sleep the entire time between two feedings, sometimes he'll sleep 15 minutes, sometime he won't sleep at all! Although he *does* have a habit of falling alseep around 6pm and staying asleep until 10pm...4 whole hours! And of course its during a time when I absolutely can't sleep since we're making/eating dinner, bathing kids, doing bedtime routines, etc.

Play Habits:
He's not really into "playing" yet, although he does seem to enjoy his baths. He's starting to be more aware...really focusing on things and watching people. And he's just starting to make little sounds like he's trying to "communicate" with us. Daddy likes to blow raspberries on his tummy and watch him freak out and flail his arms! ;)

Any 1sts this month?
A lot! Most notably his first Halloween!
Also his first marathon (Walk for Multiple Scelrosis!), his first bath, his first time going to the Temple, his first time going to Church, and his first photoshoot.

...and just because this picture makes me laugh out loud:

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