{ Hello! }

My name is Gavin. I am 11 months old. I was born with a genetic disorder called Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency that caused my liver to go into failure. I was misdiagnosed for 3 months and underwent emergency surgery before they found out what was wrong. I am on the Organ Donation List and am waiting for my "gift of life" so I can have a liver transplant. You can read about my story by clicking {here}. Thank you for visiting my online journal!

*It is our deepest sorrow to inform you that Gavin passed away while waiting to receive a liver transplant. He was only 14 days away from his 1st birthday. Please, if you haven't already, sign up to be a registered organ donor today and talk to your loved ones about your wishes: http://www.donatelife.net/. Thank you all so much for your love and support during this last year.

{ This is my family }

{ This is my family }

{ A Mother's Plea }

If you only read one thing on this website, let it be {this}.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sunday morning

During the early morning they turned the oscillator down to 21! He is handling it really well. So tonight will be 20, and tomorrow morning they'll try 19, if he tolerates that, they'll switch him to the ventilator sometime tomorrow. I can't even express the joy and thankfulness I felt when Andre called and told me (I slept at the hotel, he stayed at the hospital last night). I was just in tears and very quickly on my knees to thank my Heavenly Father. I don't think I've stopped saying "thank you" in my mind all day.

They turned his last blood pressure med down to 8 from 10, and lowered his diruretic again (the nurse said she actually had to call and double check the dosage b/c it was so low she thought it was a mistake!). His kidney numbers went down another point, so that is a very good sign. His oxygenation is still 100% with only a teeny bit of help from the oscillator. His blood pressure is in the 90s/100s, and his heart rate has been in the 140s.

He did spike another small fever this morning, to 100, so they are putting ice packs on him and keeping an eye on it. But again, they said its normal while he is fighting off this infection. One side of his chest looked higher than the other, too, but they did a chest x-ray and multiple doctors have looked at it and they don't think its anything to worry about. It makes me nervous, but they said it would be messing with his ability to oxygenate if it was fluid build-up or something.

The ward members here in LA are taking us to church for sacrament today, and then to the temple afterwards (we're not doing a session, just walking around). It will be nice to be able to show our gratitude in God's house though.

I am still super nervous about any setbacks that may happen. But things have been so good the last couple of days. We are so grateful that drain in his abdomen has seemed to help everything. We all feel that Andre was inspired to mention it to the doctors that morning.

I just can't wait to see him awake. I get in tears just thinking about it. I just want to hold him and hug him and see him looking at me. I am so thankful to all the doctors and nurses and medical staff here at UCLA. I don't think he could be anywhere better. And thank you, thank you, thank you to all our friends and family that have been so diligently praying for Gavin this whole week. I can't express it enough.

He still has a lot of road ahead of him, so he still needs all the prayers he can get. But today is a very good day. If he can just get through the rest of the weekend and onto the vent, he'll be in a much better position. We have been reading all the comments on the blog to Gavin, so comment away! We love to read them. :D


Amy said...

Hello. I'm Amy, I knew Andre from Grantsville. I've been following your blog about Gavin and have prayed for him a lot this week. I'm glad things are looking a little better. he is such a cute little boy! I will keep you guys in my prayers!

Becky said...

we just got home from church...the bishop gave us an update on Gavin during the 2nd hour...all stuff from your little blog here. But it was nice to hear it again and for everyone to hear it. It's been nice keeping up with you guys, so I'm glad you're taking the time to share. I'm glad he's on the mend. We're praying for his good progress to continue! Your video below is sweet!!

Melody B. said...

YEA! SO SO SO good to hear! Gavin is a fighter....well, I know "a liver not a fighter,"...but if it's all the same to you I like to think of him as a fighter!:P Prayer is AMAZING! I am 100% certain that Gavin's little spirit knows that so many people are pulling for him to fight and become healthy. He knows that we love him and that we pray for him daily. He is CHOOSING to fight. He is SO lucky to have a mother and father who love him more than anything in this world and would do ANYTHING it takes to sustain him on his journey through this life.

Anonymous said...

i always have to "brace myself" before clickin on. so much "takes me back." it's always so hard to see because tears immediately fill my eyes, but i'm so anxious to read how Gavin is doing. you are so amazing. i know there are angels surrounding you and andre and bracing you up. i know.
my sweet desi put gavin's site on her family blog a few days ago so many more prayers are continuing to be sent heavenward for him.
much love headed your way. consider yourself hugged. give gavin a kiss for me.
p.s watching Gavin wave wiped me out. precious baby...what a gift.

Tara said...

My thought every morning for the past 2 weeks has been, "I wonder how little Gavin is doing today." I am so happy to hear that he is ding better. Hopefully the updates will be just as positive in the days to come. We will continue to keep you in our prayers.

Tina said...

Your news is sweet. Miracles, everyone of those numbers. Just think how far you have come..
We are fasting for your little guy today. Love to you and your moms.

Sharon said...

My name is Sharon Stewart (Allred) and I also knew Andre and Corinne from Grantsville....although they may not remember me. I found your site and have also been following little Gavin and our family has kept him in our prayers. You are such great parents, I can't even imagine going through this. You guys are so strong!

Rebecca said...

I am always so grateful when I come to your blog and see good news. I want you to hold him and hug him and see those beautiful eyes again. We will continue to pray for you all. Lots of love!! Thank you for keeping us posted. Randy and I know you are both very special parents.

Colby Kids said...

Keep the good news coming!

Anonymous said...

Praise be to God. I'm continuing to pray and belive for Gavin's complete and full recovery.

Staci said...

I'm glad today is a GOOD DAY...very fitting being Sunday:) I'm glad you are going to be able to go to the temple(so nice of the ward members there!)

I'll check back tomorrow to see how he is doing. We are praying for you continually.

We love you.

Anonymous said...

It's so great to see little bits good news-remember that lots of baby steps become a giant leap!
Tonight after saying bedtime prayers Hank said, "more!" so Gavin got a double dose from us tonight! Hank loved watching the video and waving back at Gavin. Keep the faith! Tell Gavin he is a champ!

Jason, Casey and Hank

Thomas Family said...

That video is a treasure. Such a sweet little boy you have! So glad to hear he is doing better, may the lord bless you to endure this and I will continue to pray that Gavin can get past this and keep progressing. All my love - Desi

Felton Family said...

Hi Marty and Bethany- so glad to see improvement. I read up often on your blog to check in with the progress. We pray for your little boy. Hang in their you guys:)

Lacey.costner said...

We are so glad to hear that Gavin is doing better today, what a fighter that little guy is, he MUST have a bit of Grandma Sprague in him. Bethany, I think you are doing an amazing job working through this, and you are an extremely strong person and amazing mother!

Dennis and Diane said...

Hi precious little Gavin...you are sure in my constant thoughts and prayers...I am so happy that you are doing so much better...you are so blest to have such a great Daddy and Mommy...you can tell that they love you so much...we all do...you have carved a special place in all of our hearts...keep up the fight...I still think I can see something of your Grandpa Richard in you...but you are much much cutier...I hope they have a wagon for you to ride in at UCLA...check with you later...love and kisses...Diane Call

Anonymous said...

HOORAY! Great news : ) So glad I can check up on you here. I'll be coming by on Friday instead of tomorrow. Please let me know if I can bring anything.


Anonymous said...

Hi Gavin!
We were so happy to hear that today was a good day! You are in our thoughts and prayers. We talk about you often and talk about the time you came and spent the evening with us. We sure love you and know you are doing your best. Take good care of your mom and dad. This is a lot of work for them. Our hearts and prayers are with you all!
Love, Bruce & Renee' Harvey & family