{ Hello! }

My name is Gavin. I am 11 months old. I was born with a genetic disorder called Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency that caused my liver to go into failure. I was misdiagnosed for 3 months and underwent emergency surgery before they found out what was wrong. I am on the Organ Donation List and am waiting for my "gift of life" so I can have a liver transplant. You can read about my story by clicking {here}. Thank you for visiting my online journal!

*It is our deepest sorrow to inform you that Gavin passed away while waiting to receive a liver transplant. He was only 14 days away from his 1st birthday. Please, if you haven't already, sign up to be a registered organ donor today and talk to your loved ones about your wishes: http://www.donatelife.net/. Thank you all so much for your love and support during this last year.

{ This is my family }

{ This is my family }

{ A Mother's Plea }

If you only read one thing on this website, let it be {this}.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

2 months old!

2 months already! Gavin just recently grew out of his preemie clothes and has graduated to newborn! Yay! Look at his stylin' new duds:

Weight: 7 lbs
Height: 21 3/4 in
Head: 36 cm

Eating Habits:
We're starting to see more of a pattern now...midnight, 2-3am, 5-6am, 8am, etc. It still takes about an hour to do each feeding though (including stopping to burp him, change diaper, give gripe water, etc).

Sleep Habits:
He's becoming more predictable with his sleeping schedule. He will stay asleep a lot longer if we put him in the swing now...so that's a lifesaver! (bless you, Fisher Price, for making the Aquarium Cradle swing...bless you, bless you)

Play Habits:
He likes his bouncer a lot more now. He'll watch the little spiders go up and down for about 15 minutes or so. And he likes watching his big brother and sister trying to entertain him. Its so fun seeing him engage with us and trying to mimic our actions.

Any 1sts this month?
His first smile! :D We're just starting to see him smile...its SO CUTE! And so rewarding! I feel like he's just been cranky and miserable the last two months, so to see him smile at me is great! (he does love me, he really does!) I keep trying to catch a good picture of it, but so far its been pretty elusive. Also he got his first set of immunizations today, which was SO hard. I've always been pro-vaccinations, but after that I feel like I never want to go back to the doctors again! I've never heard him scream like that before...it broke my heart. My poor little man. :(

and just because this picture makes me laugh:

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